Experienced Pittsburgh Collaborative Divorce Attorneys

If both parties want to avoid the courtroom and are willing to maintain open communication, a collaborative divorce is a way to work through the details of separation in a fair, amicable, quick and cost-effective manner.

Pollock Begg boasts eight collaborative divorce attorneys with specialized training in the collaborative process. These members of the Collaborative Law Association of Southwestern Pennsylvania can help you resolve your divorce respectfully and prepare you and your family for the future.

Keep reading for answers to some of the most common questions about collaborative divorce or visit our attorney bios to learn more about our certified collaborative divorce attorneys.

Candice L. Komar Heather Trostle Smith
Stephanie L. Jablon Brian C. Vertz
Ashley M. Majorsky Joseph R. Williams
Lindsay A. (Nemit) Siters Meghan L. Zupancic

Is collaborative divorce right for me?

A collaborative divorce is a mutually respectful process between both parties and their attorneys. Meetings are four ways, or five if a coach is used, and can often have a positive impact on the family as a whole. Neither the size of the estate nor the level of conflict between the parties are barriers to using a collaborative law approach. Complex estates and high net worth families frequently opt for a collaborative divorce due to the privacy of the action.

Our Pittsburgh collaborative divorce attorneys have been trained to diffuse conflict and create a comfortable and communicative environment for all parties in the divorce. We work to honor the needs of both parties and their children while fully advocating for our client’s position. Collaborative divorces can often be more open to creative solutions that benefit both of the divorcing parties and any children involved.

How is collaborative divorce different than divorce litigation?

The goal of the collaborative process is to reach an overall settlement which is then embodied in an agreement and signed before either party files for divorce. This agreement becomes the marriage settlement agreement and is the final enforceable contract. If a comprehensive settlement cannot be reached, sometimes it is possible to settle individual aspects of the case, such as support or custody.

What do collaborative negotiations look like?

In a collaborative divorce, both parties attend a series of meetings represented by your respective attorneys who will guide you through the elements of the divorce process —including custodysupport and the division of property. Frequently the parties also engage the assistance of specialized experts such as tax accountants, financial planners, parenting coaches and counselors. These experts are jointly retained by the parties to provide information to aid in the decision-making process. The parties alternate which law firm’s offices they meet in, with each attorney working to create an atmosphere in which both parties can feel at ease.

Why do people choose a collaborative divorce?

A collaborative divorce can be faster and less expensive than a courtroom divorce, and it is completely private except for the filing of the divorce complaint and decree. The process can happen as quickly as four months.

Every aspect of a collaborative divorce is focused on your family’s well-being, fairness, respect and creating a strong future. In a collaborative divorce, parties are able to arrive at a mutually acceptable settlement without letting the courts decide the issues. Perhaps one of the most important reasons people choose collaborative divorce instead of traditional divorce litigation is because of the sense of respect and open communication it fosters, which makes for a healthier family after the divorce.

Call our office today at 412.471.9000 to find an experienced Pittsburgh collaborative divorce attorney who can help you reach an amicable solution while protecting your family and your future.


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