Author: Candice Komar

What Is Divorce Mediation?

For many couples, the divorce process is extremely challenging, from both a financial and emotional perspective — there may be a great deal of tension between the couple regarding the divorce itself, and the high-conflict atmosphere introduced by some attorneys can lead to the provision of legal assistance that is not actually constructive for either party. Fortunately, since the introduction of no-fault divorce in Pennsylvania (married couples have the option […]

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Grandparent Visitation and Pittsburgh Families

February 07, 2017 | Child Custody, Legal Perspective

Icon for author Candice Komar Candice Komar

Many people look forward to the time when they become grandparents.  A time to go to parks and museums and spoil their grandchildren without all of the formal responsibilities that come with being a parent.  But what happens when two parents divorce and family stressors get in the way of grandparents being allowed to see their own grandchildren?  Do grandparents have any rights under Pennsylvania law?  If you are a […]

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Custody Concerns and the Holidays

November 22, 2016 | Child Custody, Divorce, Legal Perspective

Icon for author Candice Komar Candice Komar

The Pennsylvania Department of Health provides that in 2015 there were 33,600 divorces statewide.  Of those, 2,582 divorces were finalized in Allegheny County alone.  While these statistics do not reflect how many of those divorcing couples have minor children, anyone who is divorced or in the process of getting divorced understands how difficult the process can be for an adult, with even greater stress for a toddler, school-aged child or […]

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Who Keeps the Family Pet After a Pittsburgh Divorce?

July 22, 2016 | Divorce, Legal Perspective

Icon for author Candice Komar Candice Komar

The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) estimates that 37 to 47 percent of all U.S. households have a dog and 30 to 37 percent of households have a cat. Countless more households have one or more beloved pets, including birds, horses and other animals.  But what happens to all of those pets when a couple splits and gets divorced? While you and your partner may […]

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