Category: Legal Perspective

Picking a Custody Arrangement That Works

May 28, 2024 | Child Custody, Legal Perspective

Icon for author Elisabeth W. Molnar Elisabeth W. Molnar

When you’re separating or divorcing from your spouse, it’s hard to grasp you are still a family and custody has to work for the entire, new version of that family unit. I can speak to this struggle professionally — and personally. My name is Elisabeth Valarik, but you may also know me by my professional name, Elisabeth Molnar. I have been a family law attorney for over 20 years and […]

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Mediation Helps Cooler Heads Prevail

What We Can Learn from Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner's High-Profile Divorce

October 25, 2023 | Legal Perspective

Icon for author Lindsay Nemit Lindsay Nemit

Fans were shocked last month when pop star Joe Jonas filed for divorce from actress Sophie Turner after four years of marriage. After playing a game of he said/she said through entertainment news and social media, it seemed the couple was heading toward a bitter legal fight, specifically in regards to their two young children. But after just a few mediation sessions, Turner and Jonas announced they had reached a […]

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What Type of Support Can I Expect to Pay for my Adult Special Needs Child?

March 25, 2021 | Child Support, Legal Perspective

Icon for author Megan A. DelVecchio Megan A. DelVecchio

When there are special needs children involved in a divorce, planning is essential to ensure kids with unique needs will have adequate financial support as adults. Child support normally terminates when a child turns 18 or graduates from high school. In cases where a child has special needs, however, child support may continue after the age of 18 by a showing the child has a mental or physical condition that […]

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Chasing Divorce Assets, Part 4

International Tracing

This four-part blog series addresses the sourcing of money and property in divorce proceedings to discover hidden assets and income, distinguish separate property from marital property and enforce or attack prenuptial agreements.  International Tracing Traditional discovery is an essential but incomplete tool when tracing foreign assets and income in connection with a divorce. Divorce lawyers must understand, and explain to clients, that the subpoena power of a U.S. court does […]

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Chasing Divorce Assets, Part 3

Defending and Attacking Prenuptial Agreements

This four-part blog series addresses the sourcing of money and property in divorce proceedings to discover hidden assets and income, distinguish separate property from marital property and enforce or attack prenuptial agreements. Defending and Attacking Prenuptial Agreements If the objective of a prenuptial agreement is to define and protect separate property, an effective one must anticipate and address future opportunities for comingling, transmutation, and retitling separate property. For instance, many […]

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Chasing Divorce Assets, Part 2

Distinguishing Separate Property

February 03, 2021 | Equitable Distribution, Legal Perspective, Marital Property

Icon for author Brian Vertz Brian Vertz

This four-part blog series addresses the sourcing of money and property in divorce proceedings to discover hidden assets and income, distinguish separate property from marital property and enforce or attack prenuptial agreements. Distinguishing Separate Property In jurisdictions employing a dual classification form of equitable distribution, there is a legal distinction between marital and separate property. Marital property is divided between spouses upon divorce. Separate property is exempt from equitable distribution, […]

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